Final countdown to the big trip. We've been counting down since last September and finally it's upon us. Together with our good friends/Vegas travel companions/wine buddies we booked something we call the GFBT-2012. GFBT = Going for Broke Tour, so dubbed because it is a six day trip where we will compete to see if we spend more money on wine during our three days in Napa California or on gambling during our three days in Las Vegas. It was a stroke of genius calling it the GFBT. It's offered instant guidance on many key decisions 1) which car to rent, 2) which room at the Mirage to book, 3) drive from winery to winery or book a car and driver, 4) which restaurants to eat at. Duh..... going for broke.
This past weekend the four of us got together and over dinner and some nice wine, planned the details we don't want to leave to chance, (restaurants, wineries to visit). The remnants are shown above. I know it looks like a lot of wine but I'd like to add some perspective. You should keep in mind that one bottle of wine is like drinking one and a half bottles of pop (750ml) and wine's better for you than pop. Plus it was a really long evening. Not the longest wine night but the wine to time ratio was within reason.
This trip couldn't come at a better time for me. Going through some really tough stuff in the mother department, being one.... not having one (though with nods to my kids and apologies to my mother, I admit both can be challenging).