Ambition should be made of sterner stuff. ~ William Shakespeare
I always have such grand plans. It all works out beautifully in my head beforehand. It's during the execution phase that things all start to fall to pieces. As evidence I present the quilt I started working on 12 years ago. It's nearly finished. All I have to do is actually quilt the top part to a bottom part with some stuffing stuff in the center. But the joining of the quilt pieces is a little sloppy so I lost my enthusiasm. It doesn't match the beautiful quilt I had in my head. So there my quilt sits in a corner of my craft room in a bag.
My craft room. A whole room dedicated to the wondrous accomplishments I could achieve if only I would put my mind to it. I have materials for scrapbooking, jewelry making, crocheting, magnet making and cross stitching. Not to mention odds and ends I picked up with no purpose in mind other than some wonderfully crafty thing I could use them for with a little imagination. That room contains so many projects patiently waiting for me to come finish them. Sad to say, most of them wait in vain.
In the days before the internet I could multi-task. I'd crochet or cross stitch while watching TV. Since the internet came along to feed my endlessly wandering mind I don't finish nearly as many things as I used to.
We have been asked to go to the annual Renaissance Festival with some good friends. We went with them a few years ago. They go all out and dress up. They have costumes that they have slowly been adding to over the years. It's awesome. I've talked about getting a costume for the Renaissance Festival for years. This year we're doing it.
Jim and I are going to be Vikings. But not dime store Vikings with plastic horned helmets. If we're doing this we're doing it right. I want to be as authentic as possible. I discovered that Viking women wore apron dresses. While researching this I came across several "easy" do-it-yourself" patterns for this dress. You see where this is going don't you? I decided to make my own dress, complete with the under kirtle.
I'm ashamed to admit that this blog post is being used as a stalling tactic. Right now I'm in the sweet spot on this project. I have the plan. I have the materials. I'm ready to begin. In my head it's all still going to work out beautifully. But the minute I start to put it all together, poof, the dream is gone. I just hope the dress ends up being wearable.