Happy Halloween everybody. I love Halloween. It’s the day before my birthday so as a kid it was like having a two day birthday party. That’s me in my costume this year. I am the swine flu. I debated whether to wear this costume. As the lead HR person you don't want to appear to be making light of a serious situation. But then I figured, "What the hell...." Which is one of the principles I strive to live by.
Ironically, while dressed in this costume I got word that we need to postpone my birthday party because my sister’s whole family is infected with some wicked virus. When she called her kid’s pediatrician, he said he was too swamped to see anybody and informed her that H1N1 testing is only being conducted on people who are hospitalized. He advised her to stay home and to stay away from people.
Ironically, while dressed in this costume I got word that we need to postpone my birthday party because my sister’s whole family is infected with some wicked virus. When she called her kid’s pediatrician, he said he was too swamped to see anybody and informed her that H1N1 testing is only being conducted on people who are hospitalized. He advised her to stay home and to stay away from people.
On a much brighter note…. I was giddy at the news this morning that Sarah Palin is engaged in public mud slinging with the white trash father of her grandson. Nothing she does is understated. A few weeks ago I saw a “Palin 2012” bumper sticker. It sent a shiver down my spine. I wondered if anybody takes her seriously anymore. Good old reliable Sarah never disappoints. She makes a fool of herself every time she opens her mouth. She doesn’t realize that the more vehemently she disparages this kid the worse her parenting skills look. It was only a year ago this kid was being trotted out as the dutiful future husband of her pregnant teenage daughter. God help us if this lunatic ever actually gets in the White House. If she can’t gracefully handle criticism from an eighteen year old kid how does she imagine she can handle leading this country.