I always hated people who said "I don't watch much TV. Usually just PBS." Yeah, whatever. You're too refined and cultured to waste your time on the idiot box. Recently though, I find myself in the same boat. I really don't watch much TV anymore. At least not broadcast TV.
In the old days I could tell you what was on every night on every one of the major networks. As TV switched to reality based shows I tried to go along for the ride. I watched Survivor for several seasons and really enjoyed The Amazing Race. But it became too difficult to distinguish one season from the next. I do have a few favorites I still watch. Lost, The Office. But I DVR them and watch them when I have the time.
What we've been doing lately is watching TV series on DVD. It started with Battlestar Galactica. We are currently watching Season 4, so ssshhhhhh, don't tell me how it ends. I don't want to know who the final Cylon is yet. Another show we are currently watching is The Tudors. We rented and watched Rome and Deadwood. I've got my eye out for the next show to watch. Any suggestions?
Our top channels for surfing are Discovery, History, Animal Planet and National Geographic channel. I was watching "Clash of the Cavemen" last night. It was very good but it had a narrative style that drives me crazy. Many of the shows on these channels have adopted this style. Right before a commercial they will throw out some cliff hanger question. Did Neanderthals succumb to disease or were we responsible for their extinction? Dunh dunh dun....... Then five minutes of commercial followed by a two minute recap of what they just talked about before the commercial. Every single time. I'm frankly insulted because I can only assume they think we have short attention spans and that we are too stupid to remember what they showed us five minutes ago.
Wait, what was I just saying? I got distracted by a pop-up weather alert......